
Monday, February 19, 2024

Bathtub Salmon

Since I shared about, you know, almost dying and then

not, people occasionally ask me how I’m doing. That’s incredibly sweet and I really appreciate it.

The general update is that I saw the cardiologist and had some tests done in December. All looks well, the patch is where it’s supposed to be and everything appears to have healed up. They took me off the blood thinner medication and so now I don’t walk around looking like I have been beat up anymore.

The more specific update is that I’ve started base training for summer/fall races, which will include the Pikes Peak Ascent and the Chicago marathon, races I deferred because, you know, life threatening stuff. I’ve decided that because Chicago is just three weeks after the Ascent, I’m just going to train like I’m running the Pikes Peak marathon and not just the Ascent and hope that covers both.

Which means I’ve started getting out on the Incline a couple times a week to start hill climb training. Today was President’s Day and I had the day off work, so I went early and for a longer run (I’m trying to outrun sunset most days). When I got home I was a mess because the trail was snowy and muddy. I was hungry and sweaty and with the increase in mileage I knew I needed an ice bath.

Which is how Eric walked in to find me sitting in our bathtub, torturing myself in ice filled water… eating salmon and avocado. I imagine the looked like a shrunken, feral chinchilla, although I did manage to use a fork and not just feed myself with my paws.

That’s the “real” how I’m doing. Its gonna be a weird training season.

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