
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Gut Job Weekend

Photo of the half bath during our home inspection
before finalizing the puchase. Notice the tiny counted
cross-stitch on the wall and the overall beige palor.
How do YOU start a new year? Starting Friday, we gutted the half bath and laundry room.

To the right is a photo of this area of the house when we were going through the inspection process. Other than moving in, replacing the previous owner's washer/dryer with our own, and putting a much larger picture in the spot of the counted cross stitch on the wall, the bathroom has basically looked the same.

Notice the fantastic counter extension over the toilet. If you're wondering "why," the obvious answer is that, in the late 90's, it was positively unacceptable to place your Kleenex box on the back of the actual toilet.

The wall-to-wall mirror was an added bonus.